Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the picture of this yellow dress

is featured in this really cool set from chronicle, curated by this lovely and talented lady.

what are you waiting for? go get you some.


Cassiopeia said...

I love the dress!

Valentine said...

Wonderful...& I adore yellow wolor!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

beautiful. where do you find your polaroid film? thanks.

Laura Crocodile said...

you've got an awesome blog :D

Victoria Jin said...

the name of your blog attracted me here and now i'm in love with all the pictures on it :)

Chris said...

This was the picture that came with my polaroid book...lovely.

the go to girl said...

one of my favorite pics of yours. who am i kidding? they're all favorites! but, i've had this yummy pic on my desktop for quite some time. and it brings me sunshine daily! xo

Anonymous said...

ooooooouh! a really cute dress! ♥

Anonymous said...

How did you get started in professional photography? I remember that one entry you posted about your pictures appearing in RealSimple magazine.

Fete said...

love mustard yellow..

Unknown said...

I want that dress! love the color and the style...

Dallas Shaw said...

this is a beautiful shot


receptionist jobs said...

I like the cute little details on the upper part of the dress. It looks lovely.

Philippine Realty said...

The yellow dress looks adorable. And the necklace matched well with the dress.

Penny Lane said...

you have a really great collection of photos here. really nice.

PL ♥

Spardha Malik said...

such a pretty shot!
I love the pendant.

Wow Gold said...

very nice blog

Wow Gold said...

wow ! what a blog

Wow Gold said...

wow ! what a blog

Yellow Cab said...

nice pics with a lovely dress.

Xo, YC.

kevin said...

i just started following :) im excited about a blog about polaroid obsession!!!

-kevin of basquiatthinksimcool.blogspot.com

Hannah said...

This is perfect. I love mustard yellow and I love seahorses!

Anonymous said...


I V Y said...

cute blog!

Elvinia said...

It is wonderful yellow dress!! Yellow is my favorite and love to wear it in summers specially!!

Unknown said...

Lovely! Have a sweet day! x

Pearl said...

I randomly stumbled upon this blog to see the very yellow dress that is featured on the notecards I just bought. How wonderful. I like what you do.

Zess said...

lovely <3

Sofi said...

Such a pretty dress, and the necklace, I love the necklace!!

Claire Caudwell said...

Ahhhh I really love the colour of this dress... it is tres cute. Also I love the idea of your blog. Polaroids rock.

Anonymous said...

love yellow!

Communion Dresses said...

wonderful look at dimensions!

Roza Rosman said...

love your seahorse necklace!!
and that colour of that dress is juusht sholush
bytheway hope your cover is chosen :)

Girl Dresses said...

Adorable dress , Iconic artists prefer designer dresses ,they are considered as status symbol for the entire markets .

WoW Account said...

Nice post

softball bat said...

I like so much how it looks with the necklace! It looks very simple but at the same way it looks so pretty! I want one like this!

health wellness said...

I'm a fashion design and I really like your job, you select a pretty colour! and the fabric looks so nice!