Tuesday, October 28, 2008

this picture

has nothing to do with my post, but i like it nonetheless. people looking at the winged victory at the louvre.

i'm back in l.a. i think the job in san diego is done. time to break out the polaroid. and yes, i still have film left. i just gotta get back into the swing of things after 5 or 6 weeks of going back and forth. here is something for you to look at while i get myself together. kolo (the cool photo album company) has started a new blog called koloist, and they asked me to contribute. they sent me lots of cool kolo stuff, and just encouraged me to be creative. they posted my first attempt on the blog today (or yesterday, depending on when you read this). hope you like it. oh, and this is a post about my "kolo weapons of choice."


Matías said...

Lovelly!! strange atmosphere there!!

nice blog!!!


Unknown said...

I enjoy your photos....

We are opposites in our work, yet I never get tired of your photographs.

The subject of your photograph is actually one of my favorite works of art. You captured the essence of the work very well….The work is very overpowering

..... said...

really poetic blog !! i love it !! me encanta

Chris said...

Amazing! Looks like it's so much fun to blog for Kolo!

the purcells said...

i love kolo - our wedding pics are in their big brown box! and love your weapons of choice but i still love the martha scissors that you got andy obsessed with last year.

When the Robins Came... said...


. said...

ultimately life-affirming

Aishah said...

i love macaroon and i love ur photos!
keep it up

Anonymous said...

I love this pic! : )