Tuesday, September 30, 2008

death becomes them

i do say these carnations are much prettier dead. is that morbid? hmmmmm. well, on a much lighter note.


Anonymous said...

They look pretty, yes.
Btw, I linked you on my new blog; http://thewebcamproject.blogspot.com

Chris said...

They sure look interesting, that's for sure. I do like the pink frilly ones though :)

lucy said...

can i ask u something?
why is your blog so pretty and mine not? (sorry if my english is bad, i speak spanish)

H. Camerio said...

not morbid at all! i agree :)

Anonymous said...

No, because its obvious if you want a pretty carnation, just leave them for dead! I never did like carnations much...

MommyHeadache said...

Beautiful photo...they do look better dead.

kiki said...

i tend to agree
there is a beauty in dead flowers
i'm part way through photo-documenting a series of decaying flowers...

not looking forward to the clean up at the end though

Gabriela said...

your polaroids are nice.
These soft colours are beautiful =).
yes, they do look sad.

S. said...

i have a question. if i may? I want to invest in a medium format camera... But, I'm unsure as to what type I should buy or where I should go... I looked on ebay, but I have serious aversions to buying used goods online. I suppose I enjoy and trust more when I feel the texture/weight etc... of an object. If you can offer any advice it would be grand, because I'm lost and can't stay this way too long. I have to start experimentation.

Your photographs are so well lit.

Amy C said...

I like this lots and lots, it's beautiful

finola said...

mmm=] dried, dead flowers have become my new obsession. i agree i agree i agree.

mrs shortcake said...

I was never really a carnation fan until my wedding - when my florist pointed out that if you tie them into clusters of three or four they KINDA (if you squint and turn your head sideways) look like peonies. Never thought about using dead ones though....;)

Anonymous said...

i agree, they do look better dead :)

Unknown said...

I have actually started to like carnations more, weird, I know.... maybe its the economy. Im forced to like this inexpensive flower! HAHA. nice blog, glad I visited.

Felix Werbowy said...

your blog is
filled with
pretty little
and colourful things
quite great it is.