Monday, February 11, 2008

What do you think?

I did a little photo test this weekend. Tried to add some different emotions into my images. I figured whiskey always helps with emotion, right?


Anonymous said...

i prefer scotch... ;)

this is beyond words - truly - it captivates me in so many ways...

Saci Pererê said...

Sorry to let you know that Polaroid will stop producing their photo tapes, hope you have loads. I like to come here and check out some of your pics, don't want a small detail to ruin it.

By the way, I live in Portugal, so you see how far away your message is getting to.

Sara Christine said...

It's amazing how much emotion can be captured in a simple Polaroid. Your work is beautiful!

Willy The Prince said...

gorgeous. You are a wonderful photographer.

Jo said...

I pop in regularly & really enjoy your snips of life :)

Great that you're experimenting...this one has a rough edge and still your lovely sense of space.

Anonymous said...

i think this is great!!
