Sunday, October 18, 2009

my birthday is almost here

i'm scared. oh, and the flu is stalking me. go away you pesky flu, go away now!


beauty comma said...

delurking here to say happy birthday in advance (it's not that scary, you get to eat lots of cake)! and happy recovery, hope it's not the big one!

Caroline Hancox said...

oh i had flu on my birthday too, it sucks! hoe you feel better

Darci said...

Happy Almost birthday!!
I sure hope you can evade the flu till next year at least :) Lots of garlic in salty chicken broth!

nadeshiko-millennium said...

i hope you have lovely flowers like this on your birthday!

Anonymous said...

My son's birthday was October 17th. He turned six. He woke up with a temperature of 104.0. The flu. What a birthday present! Even vegans get sick once in awhile, so take your vitamin C and wash your hands regularly!! Cay

Anonymous said...

nice ;) said...

so, i just want to tell you that im in love with your blog, and with your photos. i appreciate your simplicity, and your white space. you have such an eye for beauty, and i hope you never stop making use of it. im jealous of your talent, and not jealous of all the money you must spend on polaroid film, hehe.

if i could, i'd order prints of almost all your work and hang them all over my house.

so please, keep it up, have a beautiful day, and thank you for sharing everything. it's appreciated and enjoyed. :)

- lauren xoxo

Anonymous said...

This is lovely, like the flowers are inching their way across the wall to a patch of sunlight somewhere.

kat_jackson said...

happy birthday. always love checking out your work.

Talki said...

i hope your flu goes away soon!

Your photos are lovely. and so is your blog- i just found it. looking forward to seeing more :)

M said...

"You pesky flu" hahaha!
So cute. You must be more straight-forward to scare away the "pesky flu".


Drink honey&lemon tea.
Take care.

Warm regards,
fashion abuse

Anonymous said...

beautiful blog! Love the pictures! and oh! this flowers, my favourite, in spanish, we call it Santa Rita!
greetings from Buenos Aires :)

Carolina Calzacorta said...

i love your blog!!! you´re so lucky to be able to live making beautiful things!!
best of lucks!!!


Chiara Ulivi said...

I just found your blog, happy birthday! hope you feel better now :)
Many compliments for your pictures, I love them!
See you soon!

Lisa said...

i love your blog!

Gypsy said...

I jsut found your pretty blog, and two of my favourite things - petlas and polaroids xx

Anonymous said...

oooh my birthady is 4 days away.
so you are a scorpio like me.
nice !!!!!
happy happy happy

Anna said...

beautiful polaroid. your blog has a whimsical, magical feeling to it

Anonymous said...

Interesting post as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that topic.
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