Tuesday, November 18, 2008

when all of my polaroid film is gone . . .

maybe i will become an apple isight photographer. andrew bought me a new laptop for my birthday and it has a built in camera. i did a little shoot to show off our new belts. hmmmmmmmm.

ps. isn't the dress cute? it's this one.

pps. if you click on the image you can see a larger view. oh, and there are lots more belts to come.


Anonymous said...

i love the belt dress combo. and i hope you never run out of polaroids

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen it's lovely. I am about to get a mac and can't wait for the built in camera option. P.S. - I am sure there is a secet stash of polaroids buried somewhere.

Cindy said...

lovely photos, but i hope you'll be able to do both for a long time to come.

Anonymous said...

Ban.do belts? Just a thought...

Daughter said...

Actually you can still buy Fuji instant film all over the place, it should work with your polaroid.

Anonymous social worker said...

great blog.
care to exchange links?
I love polaroids!
I'll come back soon

Courtney Patch said...

Not sure if you've seen this yet, but it is so much fun!


cassandra said...

ohhhh.... so jealous of the new laptop. the dress looks adorable on you! (of course) it was so fun finally meeting you and all your vintage lovelies last week :)

Chris said...

Those are neat pix. My Photobooth pix never turn out that nice :)

Oh, and lovely dress, too!

Anonymous said...

although i haven't been shooting much polaroid, i kept hoping someone would step in and buy the secret formula in the 11th hour, then (as 'daughter' said) i realized there is fuji. although, i guess i'm still hoping a bit.

anyway, experimenting with other ways to deperfectify digital.

i'm sure you'll find a way.

dress is cute. nothing more fun than a flea market frock.

enjoy nyc. that is where my garden grows.

shanon said...

These look so great! =)

Absolutely Fabulous said...

love these shots!

Unknown said...

I love it here. So glad I found you. I'm putting you on my blogroll...you're my new favorite!

LF said...

those belts rule. I adore that dress as well, fabulous style.

Alice X said...

I love your blog, what will happen after you run out of film? God, that would suck because polaroids have definately left a mark on the photography world. I will miss them dearly.
