Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Paris Here I Come

Eiffel Tower
Originally uploaded by niccie
This polaroid is not mine. But I plan to have one soon. We are going to Paris in April. I am so excited. I need help. Great places to eat, shop, stay. We are looking to rent a 2 bedroom apartment, so if anyone can help that would be fantastic. What neighborhoods would you recommend. What about Provence? We want to go there for a day and would love to know where to stay, etc. I really hope you can help. In return, I'll show you all of the polaroids I take when I am there.


Anonymous said...

oh how lovely for you! i haven't been (yet) but i can't wait to see your polaroids... :)

cori said...

lucky, i hear paris is amazing in the spring! we used parisattitude.com and stayed at #2507 (reference number) which was amazing, lovely and roomy and the owner so helpful. the only downfall is that it wasn't by much so we rode the metro a lot. :)

Esti said...

Fabulous blog! I'm coming back often.

Have fun in Paris. I'm afraid I can't help with addresses but I look forward your future posts about the trip.

Claire said...

I.am.so.jealous. Nothing beats Paris in spring...hope some of this is helpful:


Janelle said...

So, so jealous. Please have a fabulous time and report back in detail so that I can live vicariously through you!!

I'm afraid that I can't offer you any real suggestions, since I've never been, but I'm sure Molly at Orangette would have plenty to share! I believe she is in France right now.

ann.e said...

I've only spent a short time in Paris, but loved the Marais district. Lots of neat unique boutiques and people watching. I stayed in the cheapest hotel in the whole city [one bathroom in the whole place - just a hole in the ground] so can't recommend anything there :) I spent my money on FOOD!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Paris... Just tell me by email what kind of things you wanna see and I will help you...
You should see :
- Saint Germain des Prés and Le Café de Flore
- Le Marais with its concept store
- Le Palais de Tokyo, contemporean art museum
- Le quai Branly new concept museum of Prime Arts
- Colette shop located Rue Saint Honoré see www.colette.fr
- Place Vendome for jewels and haute couture
- Regarding restaurants, you can check the Pershing Hall or Chez toi near the Champs Elysées
- For nightclub, you should go to the hypy places Le Baron or le Paris Paris... Le Show Case is also quite nice.
- You should eat Macaron at La Durée on the Champs Elysées
But contact me if you want more ideas

Anonymous said...

hi jen, first time on your blog and love your photos. paris...ahhhhh...i'm going to paris in may. i rented an apt from the agency NY HABITAT in montparnasse (14th), and have also used LODGIS to rent in the 13th arr.

in addition to the above suggestions, if time allows, check out the cool neighborhoods around the bastille (rue de la roquette) and canal st. martin (10th & 11th). this time i'll be exploring belleville (19th arr).

would also recommend as a source STYLE CITY: PARIS.

have fun, and make sure to take lots of pictures! you may very well fall in love and never want to come back, like so many others!


Susannah Conway said...

what fun! you'll have a wonderful time. my fav area is Saint Germain, so if you go there have a glass of wine in Cafe Flore for me :-)

Anonymous said...

I really like your Flickr and Blogs!!

marie said...

ooh have fun! i'm going in may and i can't wait!

if your there on the first sunday of the month..you can go to the louvre for free..and have a walk down st martin canal..aussi visit bon marche!

(et also berthillion ice cream on the ile st louis..miam!)

ps. you might want to go to provence for more than a day..it'll take a little while to get there on the train

Anonymous said...

Paris is wonderful - it's impossible not to have a great time there. I've used the following company a number of times for apartments, particularly in the Marais district. http://apartments-rental.yellowstay.eu/index.php

Apartments can be pricey in Paris so at the other end if you want a great B&B try http://www.eldoradohotel.fr/. You have to ask for rooms with washrooms(!) and a garden view but it’s very special, cheap & has a great bistro next door worth checking out.

For great recommendations for accommodation throughout France check out http://www.sawdays.co.uk/accommodation/france/

Mrs.French said...

I hope you have a wonderful time. It is definitely a goal of mine to go and spend some serious time there. Savor every moment.
I love your blog, very clever and nice to visit.

janicebotterill said...

Hi - I went to Paris on a college trip just before Christmas. Here are some of suggestions: visit or stay in the Marais - just beautiful, have lunch/a coffee in the stupendous blue-domed cafe at Printemps, enjoy the walks along the river, palais de tokyo for modern art and if the Christian Lacroix exhibition is still on at the Musee des Beaux Arts have a look there too. For a night out packed with salsa try Barrio Latino near the Bastille. I used the lonely planet Encounter guide to get some ideas.

Anonymous said...

hey jen. i have to second going to laduree... people say go for the macarons (and they are lovely!) but i say go for breakfast. just gorgeous.

also, don't forget to stop by rose bakery if you like simple, beautiful, hearty organic food (although it is admittedly English).

and i say pick up a time out paris the second you land unless you haven't been to paris and already have a full itinerary. :)


cwp said...

Be sure you go to the Musee Marmottan-Monet ......ahhh, c'est magnifique!

Laura said...

I stayed in a great little hotel in Paris, The Little Palace, http://www.littlepalacehotel.com/index.en.html It was lovely and pretty close to everything.

Provence--We took the TGV to Avignon (about 3 hrs) and rented a car. Stayed in an amazing village, Roussillon, at a wondeful hotel http://www.le-clos-de-la-glycine.com/accueil_us.html
Close to lots of little villages: Lacoste, Menerbes, Bonnieux, Gordes...You might need more than 1 day! And LOTS of polaroid film.

I love, love, love your blog.

Anonymous said...

the picture is so amazing! the sliced up picture! it gave an idea to the next project that i am going to make! thanks for the inspiration!

Field Trip said...

I just found your blog, so exciting to find another Polaroid-er. And I just returned from Paris and posted some photos. Wild.

I would also endorse staying in the Marais, which is filled with great cafes, restaurants and boutiques. The Bastille and the Oberkamp neighborhoods are centerally located too. Meant to check out the Menilmont neighborhood but didn't have enough time on this trip.

And macaroons from La Duree. If you bring some of the macaroons home as presents your friends will love you.

Anonymous said...

My favorite restaurant in Paris: http://www.aupieddefouet.com/English/

It is a tiny little place with incredible food and a great clientele of locals and food-centric travelers. We met the nicest people and had two incredible meals. Yes, it is good enough to go twice in one trip.

Oscar's Mama said...

you should definitely go to this restaurant called creperie ty breiz! it is my favorite restaurant ever and you can get amazing savory crepes. it's either in the 14th or 15th arr.

52, Boulevard Vaugirard
75015 Paris, France