Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank You

This has been a good week to be me (and trust me, that isn't always the case). On Wednesday morning I had serious thoughts of abandoning my foodie blog. I just felt like I wasn't putting the same energy into it as before, and I was pretty much, on a whole, hating myself. Then, low and behold, blogger named becoming a foodie as a blog of note, and I got a ton of hits. So I decided that I wouldn't abandon it after all, instead, I would just try to be better about posting and try to once again find my foodie voice.

Then just when I thought all of the excitement was over, I had a little write up for the polaroid blog, here, and here, and here. As you could imagine, I did a lot of jumping up and down, and a lot of "Oh My God! Oh My God!"

Really, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the lovely comments, for the well wishes when I was sick (both times) and for making me feel appreciated. It's lovely to have all of that come from something that you are doing just for yourself. Because if you remember, these blogs were just something I was doing to honor my New Year's resolution to follow through on my ideas. And so if nothing else, I hope I can inspire you to do the same.

PS. I know this polaroid is a bit cheesy, but it was the only one that I had of myself where I looked thankful.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Well, I discovered you little blog through the "blogs of notes" and I enjoy reading it.

It is only natural to go through phases of writing then withdrawal. But don’t completely end your journaling in some form. A few years from now, you will look back and your words will stir specific memories of your friends and family. Memories of smells and touch will even spring back.

Though I am not much of a ‘foodie” I do enjoy the creative underpinnings of your blog…the overall atmosphere of your blogs. Keep up the good work. Yet, it is completely ok to take breaks!

Enjoy enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you too for all this wonderful posts ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I enjoy both of your blogs and am glad you've decided to continue with Becoming a Foodie. Congratulations on the mentions!

snappingtwig said...

whoo hoo
please don't quit
you have inspired me (also a stylist) to try my hand at shooting and searching out a polaroid camera of my own.......
keep it up .....we are out here listening......

Anonymous said...

what a cute picture of you! is that at the parker?

Erin Gates said...

CONGRATS JEN! Martha, Domino and Decor8? WOW! What a trifecta!

Anonymous said...

oh oh oh! that is so exciting. all of those mentions are well-deserved and too right! both of your blogs are such inspirations. and you know, i've always been a quality over quantity girl. if you can't post on your foodie blog as often as you'd like, no matter-- everyone will love whatever you post, whenever you manage. :) megxx

Jessi said...

I love polaroids and am happy to have found this blog, also, I live in LA so I look forward to reading your foodie blog.

haus maus said...

You're welcome and I love your photo, you are as lovely as your photos!

g and h said...

OMG, Jen! that is soooooo awesome and cool! congrats! you've inspired me to get back into all my "projects" that i've neglected lately. thanks!

keep on truckin'...

Molly said...

Good lord, girl, I can't think of anyone more deserving. Your photos are so beautiful - and you know how much I LOVE your writing. Hip hip!


P.S. I don't think you look cheesy. Nah. Totally, totally adorable, but not cheesy.

amy korngiebel said...

what a lovely post. i just came across your blog as i was searching for polaroid shots. you've got a beautiful blog. i'm jumping on the train and saying that i, too, LOVE the shoe shot.

congrats on a great week!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your write ups...very well-deserved. Your Polaroids are artistic and refreshing. Keep up the great work!

Brown Sugar

Libby said...

what a wonderful thing! congrats! it's super inspiring to see the little guys get some recognition - good good good for you!

Eugene Lim said...

you look gorgeous, and i love your blogs! please don't ever stop (:

Anonymous said...

so well deserved sweet girl! and you look sunshine and smiles - such a stunning smile xoox

Erin Gates said...

any chance you'll be in town and free for a drink (or whatever) April 10th or 11th? Good chance I'll be coming for the long weekend.

Ham said...

I have found a new appreciation for photography, considering that my girlfriend is a photographer, and I love your polaroids! If you check out my blog I have a post with some of her pictures, although it's with a digital camera. You might like it.

Citygirl said...

Congratulations on the attention, your photos certainly deserve it. I haven't even had any luck getting people to comment on my pics. Any advice on beefing up traffic for the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

i have been really enjoying your polaroid blog. thank you for all the inspirations! =)

(and sorry i have no idea how to log in here to comment except as anonymous!)


Whitney said...

way to go...good work...and you look great doing it.

Anonymous said...

hi jen! you look adorable and not cheesy! so happy for you and all the blog-love! yay for you!!

Anonymous said...

hi my name is david i dicovered your blog 4 months ago and i love it congratulations and thank u for making this blog
ps: u look great in the polaroid